Rav’s Turntables
Single-Session Classes
Inspiration for Torah Study & Teaching
Spark your imagination for any Torah study or d’var Torah, by stopping first at Rav’s Turntables.
Rav’s Turntables is organized by the weekly Torah portions, and it is designed to:
- Introduce you to the text
- Kickstart your curiosity through varied media
- Raise questions and challenges you can cull for your students, study groups or audiences
Elegance & Learning
Designed by Rabbi Alex Kress, each page of Rav’s Turntables contains:
- a brief summary of the portion
- lush & evocative images
- hand-picked music that picks up on a theme (or themes) from the Torah portion
- a thought-provoking quote
- study questions
For registration, click Sign Up on the menu bar or click here