Interfaith Worship and Feminist Theology

Professor Walton discusses the challenges of interfaith worship, feminist theology’s long journey and hierarchies in religious institutions. 

Professor Janet Walton graduated from Catholic University with the B.M. in 1967, received the M.M. from Indiana University in 1971 and the Ed.D. from Columbia University in 1979. She is a Past President of the North American Academy of Liturgy(1995-97), a Henry Luce Fellow in Theology and the Arts (1998), the recipient of a Henry Luce Travel/Research grant (1988), the 2003 recipient of the AAR Excellence in Teaching award (2003) and the 2009 recipient of the Berakah Award, a lifetime award for distinctive work in worship given by the North American Academy of Liturgy. Professor Walton is a Roman Catholic and a member of the Sisters of the Holy Names, a congregation of catholic women.

Her publications include four books, Worship and Art: A Vital Connection, Sacred Sound and Social Change, co-edited with Lawrence Hoffman, Women at Worship: Interpretations of North American Diversity co-edited with Marjorie Procter-Smith, Feminist Liturgy: A Matter of Justice and an edition of Liturgy: New and Borrowed Rites with Siobhan Garrigan as well as many articles. The most recent articles include perspectives on hymnody, feminist liturgy, and interfaith worship. Presently, Professor Walton is working on a book entitled, Worship Without Dominance and a video and book with Troy Messenger and Susan Blain on the history of James Chapel worship since its renovation in 1979.