Aryeh Ben David: The Jewish Thinker of the Millennium

Aryeh Ben David plumbs the diaries of the epochal thinker Rav Kook. He finds the imperative of love.

Originally from the US, Aryeh Ben David moved to Israel in 1978. He taught at the Pardes Institute in Jerusalem for 20 years, serving on the Senior Faculty and Director of Spiritual Education.

He is the founder of Ayeka: Center for Soulful Education, which trains rabbis and educators of all denominations how to teach Jewish subjects with more soulfulness, personal meaning, and impact on life. He has been involved in the training of staff of countless organizations and lectures internationally.

He is the author of Around the Shabbat Table, a Guide to Meaningful Shabbat Conversations (2000), The Godfile, Ten Approaches To Personalizing Prayer (2007), Becoming a Soulful Educator: How to Bring Jewish Learning from Our Minds, to Our Hearts, to Our Souls and Into Our Lives (2016), and Hearing Your Own Voice: A Family Haggadah (2017), and The Secret of Love (2023).

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